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Cold quiet covers the land preserving all revelry for another day. People living, children laughing, birds singing, dogs barking. All...

"Being Peace"

I shall again lay in the cool, green grass, the green grass of a home so familiar, to my sacred holy place of light, a light that opens...

"Touched By Fire"

You sleep so soundly you sleep so deep, touched by fire, you do not scream or weep. Instead you fly into a state. In silence you breathe,...

"The Nature of Man"

Sun shine through the kaleidoscope of nature, through the rose colored glasses false hopes are seen, hopes of the future anticipated. The...

"Let Them Lie"

The brightest dawn is upon us this day marking our true union in holy bliss. Your sheer beauty turns all else a pale gray we shall live...

"Eternal Passion"

Visions through our naive eyes seen cloud minds through dreams kept alive with an anxious breath. Your impression is so burned it...

"Love's True Freedom"

What light in your saddened eye do I see, not one of a discontented lover searching for an inventive way to flee, into a vestal heart to...

"The Human Eden"

Fearing a little more each days passing, Life drains from my withered heart as we speak. Soft caresses to be everlasting, Desire such as...

"The Outer Façade"

On the inside you cry on the outside, hard as steal. Eyes calculating, lips stern, no tenderness. Heart shielded by fear, soul surrounded...

"Of Pen and Honor"

I sit and wonder what word will be next on the page, planning the sentence penned, the connection succession. What new plot will be...

"The Fallen"

However did gold turn into black asphalt leaving us dreamless and naked to reality, pretty bobbles shiny and flawless are what we seek....

"Wild Fire"

Your sweat so sweet, mingling with the juice of your peach, faces covered with streams of nectar. Embraces burned, flesh reddened from...

Blog: Blog2
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